Free Community
Yoga Class


Last Sunday of every month with Amy Willett & Holly Gastil
A yoga class for beginners & advanced students! This class will be a led class & will include adjustments for those open to them!

In-Person Mysore


An in-person self-practice suitable for all levels of practitioners who have memorized the synchronized postures of the Ashtanga system. Holly will provide adjustments and verbal cues.

Review MBFit website for pricing



A guided exploration of the primary series of the Ashtanga yoga tradition. This includes sun salutations, 42 postures and a closing sequence.

Zoom Mysore


In this class, you will be participating in Holly’s in-person Mysore class via zoom, live from MBFit.

By donation
Venmo: @hollygastil


Holly’s Home

Privates classes are one hour. They are geared toward what the student is currently working on. It will include adjustments and suggestions on how you can work on your practice at home. If you are new to Ashtanga we will go over the sequence.

1-hour: $100

Zoom Introduction to Intermediate Series

Ashtanga Yoga Center / Online

A virtual exploration of the first half of the 2nd series (nadi shodhana) with the addition of props if needed and the opportunity to work on hip opening required to do eka pada sirsasana (foot behind the head).

Zoom Improv

Ashtanga Yoga Center / Online

A virtual vinyasa-flow based on the Ashtanga series. Gives the practitioner a chance to request poses that they wish to work through. Opportunity to work on specific elements of the practice – hips, backbends, and balancing.

Vinyasa Level 3/4 Improv

Soul of Yoga

An in-person vinyasa-flow based on the Ashtanga series. Gives the practitioner a chance to request poses that they wish to work through. Opportunity to work on specific elements of the practice – hips, backbends, and balancing.

Intro to Ashtanga


In Intro to Ashtanga we will practice the foundations of yoga philosophy, breathing and basic postures.

1-hr Ashtanga Prep

Holly’s Home

This class is one hour consisting of asanas from the primary series and some intermediate series. There is time for exploration of hip openers and backbend preps